What I Learned In One Year of Marriage

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On the eve of the three-day event that was my wedding, I look back and reflect on the roller coaster of the year I have had. There were good times and bad times, times of sickness and health. There were high highs and low lows, but above all, there were ample learning experiences; learning about life, partnership, adventures and friendship. Here is a list of things I have learned since being married.

1. There is no default position for the the toilet seat. That being said, it's usually not in the position you would like it to be when you are ready to use it

2. It doesn't matter how many times you tell him to stop leaving his socks on the floor, it won't happen

3. Errands are always better when you do them together

4. Going to the gym together (or anything you commit to) keeps you both accountable and more likely to stick to your goals

5. Changing up daily routines with impromptu road trips and hikes (or any new activity) keeps your days/weeks exciting

6. Going on trips together, near or far, brings you closer together

7. Your order of love languages changes- at least for me it did. Gifts started to rank low and acts of service moved up higher on my list

8. It's important to have your own friends, as well as mutual friends

9. There's no such thing as "enough closet space". Always negotiate for more

10. Compliments go a long way. Don't assume that your partner knows that you think he/she is hot

11. Always keep it fresh- whether it's trying new recipes, date nights, pick up lines, TV shows, whatever. Don't fall into mundane habits

12. You can't change your partner's behaviours, you can only learn to tolerate it

13. How you manage finances is a game changer. Make sure you're both on the same page with how you would like to allocate money

14. Make it a priority to make some time for yourself. You don't have to do EVERYTHING together

15. Try to share at least one meal together

16. You have gained a new roommate- it's not the smooth transition you think it's going to be. Prepare to deal with differences in cleanliness, routine, bathroom habits and sharing a blanket

17. She almost always takes up more bed space

18. Sharing a secret guilty pleasure that only you two know about enhances your relationship

19. It's not uncommon to repeat yourself 2-3 times. Don't fight it. Allow it.

20. Take time to reflect on how far the two of you have come and appreciate each other's growth

21. No argument is worth going to bed angry - You wake up in a crummy mood and the fight from the previous night lingers

22. I think this one can go for anyone in a relationship: The dress never makes her look fat. However, I'm sure you can tell her that you can find a better dress that is a bit more flattering

So there you have it. I thought this list would be much longer, but these things really stick out while I reflect on this past year.

Are you married? Are you in a long-term relationship? What are some nuggets of knowledge you have gained through your experience? Leave them in the comments below!


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