What is Luck?

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Do you believe in luck? I've been on the fence about this for years and I find that the older I get, I still don't really know. For years I thought bad luck followed me everywhere. It didn't matter how much I studied, I was still going to fail my physics midterm because the prof was going to choose questions that I had no idea how to solve (ps. I did), I have to knock on wood just in case I jinx myself, I've never won a raffle contest in my entire life, and the concept of lucky socks, pencils, hats, pennies etc etc were lost on me because those things never changed my luck. 

But at the same time, I also discount all the times where I could say I've encountered good luck. I've won so many rounds of BINGO in elementary school where I came home with handfuls of treats. I forget about those moments when I've walked my dog in the neighbourhood and came across a $20 bill. Actually, there was one time I came across $70 (if this doesn't convince you to go out for a walk, especially in my neighbourhood, I don't know what will). 

My current understanding of luck is that it is a combination of timing and opportunity. Take, for example, job hunting. Landing an interview for a job is not a matter of luck, it's a matter of timing and opportunity aligning. You may spot a great job listing in your hunt, but you may not have the credentials they are looking for. This is a case where opportunity is present, but timing isn't. Let's say you have worked hard, banked some serious experience, and ready to move up the corporate ladder, however, the department you're interested in is not hiring. This is an example of how timing may be perfect, but the opportunity is not.

So, the next time you think you've come into a phase of bad luck, ask yourself which of the two are lacking? Is it timing or opportunity? Remember, we have no control over either of these. However, what we do have control over is what we do when timing and opportunity have aligned. Are you going to cease the opportunity or are you going to let time run out?

You may just have the ability to help you change your luck around


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