Coping with the Holidays (Day 5)

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In Day 1 of our Coping with the Holidays series, we talk about the art of shopping for gifts without the stress. What's Christmas without presents- am I right? In the spirit of the season, it's easy to get caught up in giving and receiving gifts to our loved ones and friends. It's just as easy to forget that there are others who do not experience the same holiday season as you. There are those who cannot afford the tinsel and glamour that comes with the season and those without family members to celebrate with. Individuals who are stuck in hospital beds, retirement homes, and jails who have no family that will visit. Wouldn't it be nice to share your joy with those who do not have what you have?

Giving, either financially or through your time, it actually beneficial. Studies have shown that when we perform a good deed, regions in our brain that are responsible for experiencing pleasure, connection, and trust are activated. This combination helps create a feeling of warmth within us. In fact, researchers has termed this feeling as the "helpers high" as these positive interactions actually release endorphins (feel good hormones) within your body. Think about the last time you did a good deed without expecting anything in return. How did it make you feel? How did it make the other feel? 

Think of the ripple effect that follows when you perform a kind gesture. The individual on the receiving end may feel gratitude towards your actions. This gratitude translates into happiness- and who doesn't like to spread a little happiness? Your act of kindness creates trust and social connection that can be contagious. That's why everyone loves to be pleasantly surprised by these "pay it forward" initiatives. When you hear that the person in front of you in the Drive Thru has paid for your ordered, not only are you grateful, you also want to continue the gesture to the person behind you. It creates a chain reaction!

This holiday season, be mindful of those who do not experience the same Christmas that you do. Take the time to complete at least one good deed this holiday season. Let that good feeling take you into the new year to encourage you to take care of your fellow neighbour. 


Coping with the Holidays (Day 6)


Coping With The Holidays (Day 4)