Change These 5 Things as Soon as You Can and Start Thriving

Article by guest contributor: Jesse Clark of

Life sure can be a rollercoaster ride! But if you find yourself in the middle of a too-long slump, there are a few lifestyle tweaks you can make to feel like your best self. Today, Empathic Counselling Centre outlines a few positive strategies to help you start living your best life.

Don't Cut Your Sleep Time Short

Your body does amazing things while you're asleep, including but not limited to the following:

  • Repairing cells

  • Regulating hunger and stress hormones 

  • Making more white blood cells to fight viruses

Sleep is something we have to do to survive, so don't give it short shrift. Sleep at least six to eight hours regularly. Sleeping in on a Sunday is great, but, as Harvard Medical School explains, it can't compensate for a week of sleep deprivation.

The key to getting a good night’s rest is to first rid your home of clutter and disorganisation, both of which can be a huge source of stress and anxiety. It’s a smart idea to address any issues now in order to create a more positive, healing and overall healthy atmosphere not just in your bedroom, but throughout the house. 

Don't Dismiss Self-Care

It can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of working life, but everyone needs a break from time to time. NBC News points out that you can get some R & R for free and without a huge time commitment. Having a healthy work-life balance and maintaining boundaries is essential for your well-being, so do the GP-approved practices that help you relax and feel positive. This could be yoga, a massage, a hike in nature, socialising, or a fun hobby.

If anxiety and depression are building up, it might be time to consider stronger measures. It’s important to consider a multi-pronged approach, which might include therapy sessions as well as an improved diet and meditation. Empathic Counselling Centre offers a variety of counselling services that can help address mental health issues.

Part of self-care can include optimising your home environment to promote health and relaxation. Adding some indoor plants and increasing your home’s sunlight can brighten your space both literally and figuratively. Keeping your home decluttered as well creating a space for meditation can also bring benefits.

Don't Think of Exercise as a Drag

Not everyone loves working out, and that's okay. You don't have to do formal workouts every single day. If you elevate your heart rate to a moderate or vigorous level three times a week, you can spend the rest of the week doing other activities. Mowing the lawn, dancing, chasing your toddlers, and taking walks are some ways you can get your body moving. Exercise is a foundational pillar for your mental and physical health. Prioritise it, and you'll reap the benefits.

Don't Fuel Up on Junk

Perhaps you live in a place where the green juice reigns supreme, but you still struggle to make healthy food choices. A little meal planning and meal prep can fill your belly and give you the energy you need to improve your quality of life. Food is medicine, after all, and if you haven't been feeling well, talking to a registered dietitian should be one of your first ports of call.

Don’t Stick With a Job You Hate

What you do for a living should not be a source of constant anxiety and burnout. Try and save money every month to accumulate the funds you need to change course and start a home business, for example. 

A home business can be rewarding if you're able to create supportive boundaries between work and domestic life. You can do this by:

  • Setting up a home office

  • Maintaining a relatively strict schedule 

  • Investing in affordable tools or services that allow you to be more efficient with your time

Self-care for the Long Haul

Practising self-care and getting enough sleep, exercise, and proper food are fundamental to thriving. Consider whether you're covering your bases, and make the necessary adjustments.

For counselling services in Toronto, contact Empathic Counselling Centre


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