How Gratitude Changes Your LIfe

Appreciating the things we have in our lives can significantly shift our perspective. We hear the word ‘gratitude’ quite frequently these days, especially with respect to mental well-being and with Thanksgiving around the corner, yet, how often do we pause to grasp its life-altering potential? Let’s dive into how practicing gratitude can have a profound impact and how to inculcate this habit to reshape our lives for the better.

First, let’s understand what gratitude is. Gratitude is being thankful or grateful for what we have in our lives. We can find gratitude in our relationships, our physical and mental health, the environment we live in, the resources we have access to, the kindness we encounter from others, or even the simple fact that we get to experience each new day. The things we are grateful for are highly personal and dependent on our unique circumstances.

Research has consistently shown gratitude to be positively linked to happiness. Gratitude fosters positive emotions, which can lead to an optimistic view of one’s life, thus promoting healthy behaviours like prioritizing one’s health, nurturing relationships, and building resiliency to deal with life’s adversities.

Gratitude has also been found to improve self-esteem. In our competitive world, it's common to often feel inadequate.  We are constantly driven to strive for more. While this may be beneficial for personal growth, it might also end up diminishing our self-worth. Cultivating the habit of practicing gratitude will be especially helpful in these times. Shifting our perspective from what we don’t have to what we do and being appreciative of it will help foster positive feelings about ourselves. 

Now that we know of the wonderful benefits of gratitude it might be helpful to learn some tips to cultivating it. Here are some practical tips to get you started-

1. Maintain a Gratitude Journal- Writing down things you are grateful for at the end of your day can be a great way to end your day on a positive note. Dedicate a specific daily or weekly time and jot down two or three things that you were thankful for during the day or week. Consistency is key, so aim for a fixed daily or weekly schedule. 

2. Acts of appreciation- Now this one is my favourite because of the instant gratification it provides. If you have encountered an act of kindness or someone has helped you in any way, make it a point to express your thanks. This expression can be a verbal or written note, depending on your situation. Many times, not only does it have a positive impact on you, but it can also brighten the other person’s day. You can see their faces light up or even make them feel good about themselves. Showing appreciation is not only limited to interpersonal gestures. You can also be appreciative for the things you have or the situation you are in, in your life. Become aware of the good things that happen to you and make it a point to mentally appreciate it.

 3. Prayer or meditation- Consider incorporating prayer or meditation into your routine to express gratitude. Whether you thank a higher power for the good fortunes in your life or simply meditate focusing on the good things in your life, it can have a profound positive impact. You can make your own little ritual by doing it regularly, at the same time feeling connected to something larger than yourself.

4. Volunteer work- While volunteering is considered a great way to help others and give back to society, it also encourages a profound sense of gratitude. Volunteer work often involves helping those less fortunate than us, and in the process we become acutely aware of the blessings in our lives. Volunteering exposes us to situations of what life would be like without the things we take for granted. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer, from soup kitchens to spending time with the elderly or working in women shelters.

5. Connect with nature- Connecting with nature through activities like walking, gardening, or hiking can be a powerful way to foster gratitude. When we spend time in nature, we become aware of the immense beauty that surrounds us. This deepens our appreciation for the environment we call home.

So give any or all of these tips a try and see your life transform for the better! I will conclude with a beautiful quote by Mindy Kaling,

“Gratitude is the closest thing to beauty manifested in an emotion.”



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