How to Look and Feel Younger by Improving Your Sleep Habits

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Today, I am delighted to have a guest writer on the blog! Sheila Olson is a personal trainer from Fit Sheila who has offered to discuss the importance of sleep and the benefits that it provides. With a new norm upon us, our sleeping habits are the first to take a hit. Take a look at what Sheila has to say about the topic...

Good sleep comes with so many health benefits that it’s hard to imagine why we don’t get more of it. It improves immune function, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, lowers our blood pressure and helps us to manage our weight. It improves memory, boosts concentration, delays cognitive decline and leaves us in a better mood. And yes, it even helps us to feel and look younger.

Yet, one-third of American adults are not getting enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While medical conditions keep some from getting a good night’s rest, many people simply don’t prioritize sleep in their daily lives. Whatever your reason, if you’re struggling with getting adequate sleep at night, you shouldn’t just accept it as fate. Let’s discuss some of the beautifying benefits of sleep, as well as some steps you can take to improve your sleep habits.

How Sleep is Beautifying

There are several ways that getting enough sleep benefits your skin’s appearance. For one, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH) when you sleep for at least eight hours, and HGH then leads to collagen production; the result is more elasticity and less wrinkles.

Similarly, your complexion is benefitted by sleep, because skin cells that get damaged during the day (from the sun and pollution) are able to repair and regenerate through the night. Healthy sleep also leads to proper blood circulation, which Medical News Today explains can help prevent dark circles under your eyes. A good night’s sleep can work wonders in many ways, so consider what you need to change to look and feel your best.

Getting a Good Mattress

If you’ve had your current mattress for many years, it could be causing problems, and replacing it can help improve your sleep quality. There are a few essential factors to consider before purchasing a new mattress: your body type, your primary sleep positions, and any type of chronic pain you’re dealing with. Taking these into consideration, along with your weight, will help you to determine how firm your mattress should be.

Addressing Blue Light Exposure

The blue light emitted from electronic screens can make it difficult to fall asleep, and can even disrupt your sleep throughout the night. If you watch TV and/or spend time on your phone or tablet before bed, try changing up your routine (e.g., reading a book by a dimmed light). If this isn’t an option for you, consider investing in a pair of blue light glasses, which filter blue light and can help to save your sleep (and eyes).

Trying Different Things

A good bedtime routine is essential to your sleep. Try out a few things until you find what works for you. For example, you could take a warm bath by candlelight, listen to soothing music, read in the living room and/or practice mindful meditation. When your routine is in place, your body and mind will know what to expect, which will make it easier to find restful sleep.

Your bedroom’s design could be hampering your ability to sleep. Try to make some adjustments like organizing, removing clutter, and replacing bright lights with softer lighting. Eliminate distractions by shutting your windows and bathroom and closet doors.

Sleep’s Most Important Benefit

As much as sleep can impact the way you look and feel physically, arguably, its most important benefit is what it does for your mental health. According to Harvard University, sleep deprivation has many serious psychological effects, and things like depression and anxiety often overlap with sleep disorders. By prioritizing healthy sleep habits, you not only allow your body to rejuvenate but your mind as well. Sleep gives your brain a chance to purge, and can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever the next day may bring.

The right amount of quality sleep not only impacts our overall health, but it also helps us to look and feel younger. Remember to get a new mattress if necessary, and consider tools to help track and enhance your sleep habits. Also, protect yourself from blue light at night, and come up with a bedtime routine that sticks. If these tips don’t seem to work, keep looking for answers until you find your beauty sleep!

Image via Unsplash


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