Underrated and unexpected self care practices that we should start doing

Self care doesn’t have to be fancy. Sometimes it’s something as simple as these items on this list.

Putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode during sleep hours so that you can rest without interruption


Deciding to pump gas the night before instead of hoping to remember the next day


Throwing yourself a dance party while you fold and put away your laundry (or any other chore)


Having breakfast food for dinner. Late night Froot Loops, anyone?


Eating a meal outdoors, whether in your backyard, front lawn, or balcony. Bees, not invited.


Daydreaming about your perfect vacation


Wrapping yourself up in your favourite heavy blanket while you watch reruns of your favourite sitcom. Murder documentaries work just as well.


Re-watching old home videos for all the nostalgic feels


Spending the day in your leisure suit


Meal planning for the week ahead and writing out your grocery list, accordingly.


I feel like that last one is super exciting to me and maybe not everyone else.

For more serious self-care options, check out what I have to say on the topic here: When Self-Care Doesn’t Work


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