Dear Universe...

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I’m sure many of you out there subscribe yourself to different e-mail lists for goodies (FashionNova subscriptions, anyone?). Sometimes these subscriptions are deliberate and sometimes they’re mindless- something you need to do in order to get that extra 10% off your shoes or something you get over with so that you can go back to browsing. I got an e-mail the other day from something (someone) who I imagine did so because I fell into the latter category.

I got an e-mail from the Universe.

Obviously, it wasn’t the actual Universe, but from a ticketing agency, but still! It caught me off guard. It got me thinking though, if I did get an e-mail from the Universe, what would it say? Would it send me positive vibes and quotes to help me deal with the challenges of today? or would it give me a glimpse of the future to show me what I can look forward to?  Also, what would I say back to the Universe? What would our exchange look like? I was curious to see if others have pondered upon the same question so I turned to Google for answers. Do people write to the Universe? Turns out, this is an actual practice!

I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction – you get what you put out there. You want positivity around you? Send out positive vibes. Cloud yourself with negativity and that’s what you get. This works really well with New Years Day just around the corner. There’s a reason why people love vision boards – put out your thoughts and wishes into the Universe and the Universe will make it happen. Don’t be fooled though, this is not an effortless process. You can’t get what you want just sitting there and hoping that it falls onto your lap. You have to get out there and work for what you want, all with the positive mindset and faith that it will work out. Now, obviously, you don’t have to believe in the Universe. Everyone has a higher power that they rely on which serves similar effects. In my case, I choose the Universe. 

Coming back to my original question – if I had a conversation with the Universe, what would I say? I sought some guidance and came across Bohemian Crossroads, an amazing blog on mindfulness practice that focuses on “getting grounded, loving life and becoming aware”. BC has a neat little strategy/guide to get you started and since I am very much a, “put pen to paper kinda gal” this really worked for me.

1. BC states that you want to start off each letter with “ Dear Universe” because it really shows the importance and magnitude of how important this letter is to you. After all, you’re asking the Universe to manifest your wishes, show yourself how important this is to you. 

2. Be specific in what you’re asking for. Don’t be ambiguous with the Universe. It needs to know exactly what you need. Don’t simply say that you want to find happiness. What does happiness mean to you? What does it look like? 

3. Keep it short and simple or write out a paragraph to really capture what you need. The Universe needs short commands and concise instructions

4. Show gratitude and avoid sounding greedy. Let the Universe know that you are grateful. 

In putting this all together, I’m really starting to see how this letter actually sounds like setting up SMART Goals. Do you see the parallels? You’re being Specific about what your needs are and you’re giving the Universe a Measure of what that looks like. Your faith in the Universe empowers you to feel that this is Attainable and Realistic. I like that this letter adds gratitude to the equation because when we focus on our “have-nots” we tend to forget our “haves”. It puts a positive spin on our hustle to accomplishing our dreams.

Whether you believe in a higher power or believe in yourself, it sounds to me like the formula remains the same. 

If you too would like to write to the Universe, check out Bohemian Crossroads for their FREE WORKSHEETS


Why do I feel this way?

