Setting Smart Goals

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We set goals all the time. From New Year Resolutions to getting out of bed without pressing the snooze button for the third time, to making it to the gym, we are constantly trying to achieve something, sometimes without even realizing.

All goals are achievable. Yes, you read that correctly. You may question me now, "If all goals are achievable, how come I don't have that Tesla car I've wanted for so long?" or "If that's true, I would be a size 4 right now instead of a size 6" Ok fine. Let me revise my statement.

All SMART goals are achievable

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound, Allow me to illustrate

My goal is to lose weight is not a SMART Goal.

1. It's not Specific - How much weight are we talking here? 5 lbs? 10 lbs? 1lb? How will you do this? Diet? Exercise? Surgery? Why are you doing this?

2. It's not Measurable - What does weight loss look like? Your idea of weight loss and my idea of weight loss may be different. You may be thinking pounds. I'm thinking jean sizes. You could be thinking inches, I could be thinking fat loss, but muscle gain.

3. It's not Attainable- How could this be attainable if the goal is not specific or measurable? How will you know that you're achieving your goal when you haven't really set out a goal in the first place.

4. It's not Relevant- Since you have not laid out a specific reason as to why this is your goal, you can't see how this goal can fit into your "big picture". Is it to be healthy? Is it to look better? Is it to feel better?

5. It's not Time-Bound- How long will it take to achieve this goal? Are you aiming for two months? Two weeks? One year?

Given this, let's change up this DUMB (Doesn't Use Much Brain) goal into a SMART goal

I want to lose 5 lbs (specific and measurable) by the end of June 2017 (time-bound) because I am unhappy with the way my body looks and because it will help me develop a healthier lifestyle (relevance). I will do so by reducing my caloric intake by 300 calories/day and by going to the gym three times a week for 40 minutes, focusing on cardio (20 minutes) and muscle toning (20 minutes) (specific and measurable). This goal is attainable because it is well within my capabilities.

Setting DUMB goals can essentially set you up for failure. Instead, develop SMART goals. You're more likely to achieve these.




Positive psychology