No More Complaining: An Update

During the first few months of the pandemic and social distancing, I had a lot of time to think. In my reflection, I came to the realization of just how unpredictable life can be and how much we take for granted. Normalcy can be taken away from us in a blink of an eye and I learned to appreciate what I have because it's never guaranteed. That being said, I made it a mission to stop complaining.

I typically look forward to Toronto summer every year. We get a stretch of 4 months of beautiful patio weather where every weekend is spent beach side. I spend the remaining 8 months of the year either mourning the end of summer or counting down to the days of warm weather. Not this year, folks. I learned that being outside, rain or shine, is a blessing. At a time where being outside was considered dangerous, I learned how petty complaining about the weather really is. Now, I will gladly make my way outdoors under any weather condition because the fact that I'm outdoors is a blessing.

Quiting complaining has taught me several things

  1. For every negative I find, I can find several positives

  2. Life feels so much more peaceful when I choose to appreciate what's in front of me.

  3. Sometimes, what we consider to be "problems", aren't actually problems. It may be just a meer inconvenience. Are you really going to lose your peace of mind because of an inconvenience?

  4. You're in an overall better mood when you stop with complaints - there's less negativity to bog you down

  5. Choosing to stop complaining helps me reframe the situation. I have a pesky habit of complaining when I'm too busy or not busy enough. In applying my new rule of no complaints, on busy days, I reframe my situation by reminding myself that busy meant I was busy doing what I love. With down time, I reframe by reminding myself that this meant I had time to focus on other areas of my life.This helped me to find the silver lining so much faster

  6. The act of not complaining can be infections. Those around you may notice your change in attitude and be drawn to this new lifestyle change.

These were the major lessons I learned in just a matter of a few months. Imagine how much more I can benefit from incorporating it as a lasting lifestyle change. Stay tuned for another update, I guess.


A Letter from an angry therapist


My Morning Routine