Positive psychology

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I love Positive Psychology. It has brought about strength-based therapies and interventions that puts focus on what's good in your life rather than focus on what's not going well. We often dedicate our time and thoughts to ruminating about our failures, rejections, regrets, bad memories, heart breaks, injustices, etc. Given this, how much time do we spend looking on the flip side?

I think it's human nature to focus on the negatives, almost as if it is wired in our minds. Think about it. Our survival is based on protecting us from harm, therefore, we have to be on our toes and focus on the bad so that we can avoid it. Imagine being a cave man (or woman) and spotting a bear. You're not going to think "wow, how cute and cuddly, I'm going to give it a hug" you're thinking, " Whoa, sharp teeth and claws can do some serious damage, I'm gonna walk in the opposite direction" But, in today's world, how often are we walking into the path of a bear? How often are we in any physical danger? Almost never. Yet, we still have that survival mechanism built in us. It's up to us to override this automatic ability to think negatively and see the positives in the situation.

Here are some quick and simple ways to do just that

Keep a Positivity Journal/Log. A Positivity Journal is a great tool to remind you of all that's right in your world. Take five minutes before going to bed and think back on your day and see if you can identify three positives. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant either. Something as simple as enjoying a good sandwich or snagging a pair of cute sandals on sale will suffice.

Positive Post-Its. Place Post-Its with positive messages around your workspace or home to remind you of your strengths. Encouraging words can motivate you and make you feel good about yourself, especially when you don't feel the greatest.

Positive Mental Mantras. Give yourself a mantra that can encourage and motivate you through the day. Quick phrases like, "Girl you got this" or "Ain't nothing I can't handle" are great ways to spark the fire within to fuel your emotional energy for the rest of the day. If you're a Mindy Project fan, you'll understand why mine is Beyonce Pad Thai ;)


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