Motivational Quotes to Get You Through the Week
I'm going to be honest ya'll. Last week was a rough week. From juggling work, Collegial exams, home keeping, and everything else in between, I was starting to lose motivation and stamina. My endurance was wavering and sometimes you just get to the point where you want to toss in the towel, crawl up into bed and wait for the day week to pass you by. I needed lots of pick me ups as my regular trips to the gym simply wasn't cutting it. In times like these, I find inspiration in motivational quotes. Those closest to me will know that at any given time, there is always an inspirational quote up on either my phone wallpaper or scrawled on the mirror (thank you Crayola Window Writers). My current wallpaper reminds me that Beyonce wasn't built in a day. It reminds me that success takes time and lots of failed attempts. It reminds me to embrace the journey and to trust it - it helped Beyonce didn't it?
For a change, I'd thought I'd share some inspirational quotes that can help get you through this week, especially because it's Monday, the day where motivation hits an all time low (don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure that's accurate)
Let’s start with my personal favourite
May your confidence be as high as your heels
Happy Monday everyone! Hope these get you through the week!