Getting out of your Comfort Zone
On a brisk autumn Sunday morning, I love love love cozying up in my big comfy blanket (which I call "the vortex" because it sucks you in and you never leave), laying my head on fluffy pillows, and bathing in the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee. This is my definition of comfort and I never want to leave. Actually wait, that's a lie. I would leave.
Women's Mental Health: The Toronto Tamil Population
This past weekend I had the pleasure of supporting Tamil Health Association's current study, "Exploring the Mental Health of Women in the Canadian Tamil Diaspora."
The Accountable Friend-An Update
Last week I wrote about my friend Paul who had recently won a contest in which he is entitled to a free month membership to a fitness bootcamp.
The Accountable Friend
Do you have a friend who just can't stay on track with their goals? How many times has this friend told you that they are putting their best foot forward in making this monumental step only to fail at it weeks later?
What Beyonce's Essay on Body Acceptance Taught me about Self-Compassion
On any given day, if you were to glance at my phone, you would see that I almost always have a picture of Beyonce on my wallpaper. The nature of the wallpaper changes based on my mood or on my current mindset. When I took my first scary step into private practice, I had this as my wallpaper:
Installing Resilience
It's one thing to say that you have gone through a life filled with many obstacles and challenges, but it's another to actually learn from these experiences. It's easy to be stuck in a victim stance, but it takes much more effort to rise from hardship.
Music Therapy for Free!
Some of my clients are very familiar with my term, "Adele-ing". I usually use this term for when clients are going through breakups and are doing whatever they can to distract themselves from the pain that comes with losing a relationship.
Emotions and your Body
With Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) being the main modality that I use to inform my practice, I often get caught up with how our thoughts can influence our mood and behaviour
Dealing with Grief
Grief is an emotion of deep sorrow that is felt especially when we have lost someone to death. It doesn't, however, have to be limited to death.
The Power of Positivity
Last week in session, I noticed that I was bombarding my clients with the idea of finding the silver lining in their lives. I'm not sure if it was because I chose to view client issues through the lens of Positive Psychology or because it seemed to be fitting (or it could've been both) but it led to some interesting conversations around the power of positivity.
Thoughts on FOMO
Chances are that you have at some point. If you're not sure as to what it is, FOMO is this uncomfortable feeling that arises within us when we feel like we are either being left out or we compare our lives to others and feel that we are lacking in some way.
Shame and Guilt: Same but Different
Recently, the topic of shame and guilt has become more and more frequent in my sessions in the last few weeks and I thought it would be helpful to share my little nuggets of knowledge on the topic. Feelings of shame and guilt can sometimes become so strong that it can dictate the way we behave and how we view ourselves.
Giving Yourself a Hug
Let me set the stage for you. You're sitting on the bus on your way to work when suddenly you feel your heart racing. Your palms are sweaty and your hands are shaking.
How to Dive into Your Emotions
For us to deal with these painful emotions, we have to remember that, like anything in life, emotions are impermanent- what you feel now is not what you'll feel forever.
Diving into your Emotions
If you've never watched the movie and have no idea about what I'm talking about, all you have to know is that this movie personifies our emotions as little characters in our heads.
Every year on March 8th, women and men across the globe are invited to celebrate women's achievements throughout history. It is also a call-to-action where each new year brings a different theme for progress.
The New You that Comes with Every Storm
Face it, we are all struggling in our own little way. We all are in the middle of a storm. Even if we had just gotten out of one, there is another one waiting to strike. To me, life is all about progression. It's knowing that the person who is waking up this morning is different from the one who woke up the day before.
May I Have your Attention Please?-Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts are those pesky little ideas, images, or voices that pervade your present mind and derails your focus and attention. I can't even count the number of times that I am bothered by my wandering mind.
Thoughts While Meditating
Many do not know this, but my New Year's Resolution this year was to become comfortable in silence. I have always been accustomed to living in a fast paced, loud, environment that anything less than this made me uncomfortable.
Know Your Worth
Last week I was in a funk. This usually happens when I have a lot of down time and little energy. I thrive on being busy and constantly on the move, especially when it has to do with my career. Like many of us, I am very career oriented and (as much as I hate to admit it), most of my waking minutes are dedicated to progressing myself in that area of my life.