How to Look and Feel Younger by Improving Your Sleep Habits
Today, I am delighted to have a guest writer on the blog! Sheila Olson is a personal trainer from Fit Sheila who has offered to discuss the importance of sleep and the benefits that it provides. With a new norm upon us, our sleeping habits are the first to take a hit. Take a look at what Sheila has to say about the topic...

A Week of Kindness
As you may or may not know, February 17th marked the start of Random Act of Kindness Week. That week is dedicated to exactly that, performing random acts of kindness. I had no idea that this even existed, but apparently it's been around since 1995, where it was originally just a day. In 2018, it was expanded to encompass a week.

Motivational Quotes to Get You Going
I love when the new year rolls around and I'm able to hit the ground running. I feel lucky to be where I am today, but I also know that luck doesn't just happen. I know that luck is when preparation meets opportunity

What Happens Between Sessions
The other day, as I wrapped up session with a client, he casually asked, "What do you do when you're not seeing clients?" Well, there's a lot we do when we're not in session. I came across this quote that sums it up perfectly.

Relatable Psychotherapy Memes
Despite the preparation, we are destined to feel some dip in our mood during dark winter days. Seasonal Affective Disorder is real, folks! To lighten our spirits, I thought it would be fun to indulge in a little humour this week and search up some very relatable therapy memes. Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

Imposter Syndrome is Real!
These past few weeks, I have been feeling really... shy?... I wonder if that's the right word here. It's a familiar feeling for me, especially when it comes to talking about myself and sharing my knowledge.

...It's not that serious
A quick four worded phrase that is readily available at the tip of my tongue that helps me recognize that I've been blowing things out of proportion. It is teaching me that I need to learn to quit taking life so seriously and to view things from another perspective. If you haven't guessed already, that phrase is...

How to be that "Go To" Person
Last month, I had the pleasure of being a speaker at Rehumanity Foundation's Mental Health Gala here in North York, Ontario. The organization is an international, student-led, non-profit that aims at connecting young adults and advocating for change through their various initiatives in their communities.

Masculinity: Thor’s Reason and Answer to Depression
If you asked me who my favourite Avenger is, I always say it’s a toss up between the Incredible Hulk and Thor. Who doesn’t love a hunky, humorous, strong, confident guy, am I right?

When Self-Care Doesn't Work
When I was in grad school, taking my final course in Trauma Counselling, Lesson One literally had nothing to do with counselling. It had nothing to do with what happens in the therapy room and the techniques that need to be done

How to Turn Addiction Recovery Into a Fresh New Start for Your Life
When you think of rehab, you may focus on recovering from your addiction. But addiction recovery can be a time for renewal in other areas of your life too. You can use this time to make some real changes, like the ones below, and make a real impact on your long-term recovery.

A Therapist Responds to your Tweets
This week my eyes found themselves browsing through a hilarious Buzzfeed article that is a compilation of honest tweets from those who have been in therapy. Being as empathic as I am, I wanted to put myself into the shoes of these clients (and some of mine) to get a feel for what they feel in the therapy room.

Recovering from Burnout
Can you believe it? It's already March and I'm embarrassed to say that this is my first blog post of 2019! Believe me, I had many drafts/ ideas for posts lined up for release, especially in February, but every time I sat down to write or edit,

Why do I feel this way?
I wonder at what point in our lives we learned that it was wrong to feel. For example, this week alone I had three clients who had recently gone through a break up and they were missing their ex-partners. They thought they were doing something wrong by missing them.

Dear Universe...
Sometimes these subscriptions are deliberate and sometimes they’re mindless- something you need to do in order to get that extra 10% off your shoes or something you get over with so that you can go back to browsing. I got an e-mail the other day from something (someone) who I imagine did so because I fell into the latter category.

Yay for friendship! I didn't realize that there was a dedicated day to purge your friends list on your social media platforms, but I guess it's a great reminder that every once in a while we need to take a deep dive into our contact list and keep around those that make us happy and kick to the curb those who don't.

Managing Stress: What's your Upper Limit of Stress?
Y'all, it's been a crazy few months and I'm (finally) beginning to enjoy the calm before the storm that I fondly call Christmas. From running the practice, making a few tweaks to the business, overseeing DIY Anger Kit's launch, and a few speaking engagements, my plate has runneth over.